The Airline Academy , Inc.

Daytona Beach, FL

About the School

The Airline Academy is a training school that specializes in careers in flight. We train you to become a flight attendant, airline customer service agent, aircraft dispatcher, or airline pilot. Our courses are designed to transition you to in-house tra...

Training Programs

Accelerated Flight Attendant Indoctrination

Experience accelerated training in an intensive one week program conducted at JetBlue University in Orlando, FL. Includes full placement services, interview skills, resume building and our career services website.

Airline Operations and Customer Service

Extensive hands on training in airline fundamentals from the ticket counter to the flight deck conducted in the main terminal of the Daytona Beach International Airport.

Quick Info

School Size


The Airline Academy has launched thousands of successful careers in the airline industry, with many graduates working as flight attendants and in other travel industry positions.

Begin Your Aviation Journey

Train with The Airline Academy , Inc. through modern flight training platform Feathers

Flexible Scheduling
Progress Tracking
Weather Integration
Digital Flight Training
Booking & Management
Training Solution
EASA Compliant
FAA Approved
Cloud Platform

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